Who is the Council of Love?

I have had the honor of being the channel for the Council of Love since the late 1980s. After a near death experience at age 33, the portals opened, and I began a conversation with a group of ascended discarnate beings. A conversation that has and will last a lifetime. What an adventure!

At first, as you can well imagine, I wasn’t certain who on earth, or elsewhere was talking to me. “The Council of Love, I cried, who are you?” I’ll never forget that first response from Archangel Gabrielle:

“The Council of Love is God’s Council. God has need of a legion who assist in the preparation of souls, for the shifts on and of Earth and many other occurrences in the galaxy and the Universe. You, Leiala (my soul name), are chosen to be our physical voice of Love and Light on this planet.

“The Council of Love is composed of angels, archangels, pure light beings, saints above and below, space beings who have evolved to sheer energy and enlightened beings. You may think of us as a Rainbow Coalition. Our number is many, and our number is One.

“Our love is an energy which can be felt throughout the Universe. We are messengers of One and the message is Love. There is nothing else on the earth plane you need to know. Once you experience Love, enlightenment is achieved.

“You may think of us as God’s administrators; the unseen force generating through the Universe. We are pure energy moving in ways you do not yet have any method of conceiving. This is shy we send you the experience of Love, so that you may know.”

The Council of Love Method™

The Council of Love Method™ serves as the premier framework for transformative healing and spiritual evolution, encompassing various courses designed to empower individuals on their journey towards wholeness and enlightenment. At the core of the Council of Love Method lies the foundational 13th Octave Method™—a comprehensive course that serves as the bedrock for all subsequent teachings within the Council of Love Method. Through the 13th Octave Method™, participants embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth, laying the groundwork for their continued exploration and mastery of the Council of Love Method™.