What is the 13th Octave LaHochi™

The 13th Octave LaHoChi™ is a energy healing modality gifted from the Council of Love, and channeled by Linda Dillon in 2001. This profound healing and transformation modality is a gift from their heart to yours. As you will learn, this healing system, which has come from the Pleiadean sector, includes the gifts from many of the Ascended Masters and Archangels.

The 13th Octave LaHoChi™ is very different from the original gift of LaHoChi shared by Satchamar in 1991. It is not simply the additional activation positions that make this energy different than anything currently known and practiced on Earth. In addition to original 13 Masters who brought in the 13th Octave in 1997, there is a core group of LaHoChi Masters who have committed to this process, and, who are always present when a healing is given or the energy run. This sacred legion includes:

  • Germaine
  • Lao Tzu
  • Archangel Raphael
  • Jesus Sananda
  • Universal Mother Mary
  • Qwan Yin
  • Grener of Ashira of Neptune
  • El Morya
  • Serapis Bey
  • Sanat Kumara

The second major difference from the basic LaHoChi is the addition of the Violet Flame, the Blue Diamond of the Universal Mother, universal grid work, specific sacred geometry work, specific sound work, bi and multi-location / imprinting, star tools and technology, and Lemurian crystals. Finally, it needs to be emphasized that all of this work is undertaken from the sacred place of Divine Union, the 13th Octave. The 13th Octave Method™ is the foundation of the Council of Love’s 13th Octave LaHoChi™.

As Archangel Raphael tells us:

“Those who have entered the 13th Octave have united within the heart of God, and carry that energy and consciousness with them in service. Each being who walks this Earth has a different mission, purpose, will and desire. But deep within the heart of each and every initiate into the 13th Octave is the gift of healing – the ability to instantly and miraculously open and heal people’s hearts. It is a gift from One to the hearts of All.”

Clients will often liken the 13th Octave LaHoChi to the experience of acupuncture. LaHoChi is etheric acupuncture and has the same effect of clearing, balancing, and restoring meridians and repairing the etheric grid. The activation positions primarily work with those areas of the brain not previously open and active; the higher chakras, especially the 14th–16th (above the head – about 3 inches, 13 inches and 13 feet); the connection to the heart and mind of God; and the anchoring of the Universal Self in the physical reality. The positions work with sacred geometry, placing the hands in either a triangular and/or diamond pattern and etherically transmuting into pyramid and tetrahedron formations.

Visions and miracles occur for both the giver and receiver during the 13th LaHoChi™ initiations and treatments. These transmutations and transmissions are a gift directly from the heart of One.

One of the most significant features of the 13th Octave LaHoChi™ is that it is not simply a healing tool – it is a tool of transformation. The energies can be activated and run to heal or address situations, environments, individuals, nations or groups for extended lengths of time.

The purpose of the 13th Octave LaHoChi™ is to assist the individual in the fulfillment of their chosen journey, spiritual and physical. For example, one practitioner is a dentist in his “day job.”  How he works with the 13th Octave LaHoChi™ is to start the energy running in the morning before he leaves the house, setting the intention that each and every one of his patients, his staff and himself, will receive the healing. He is able to assist himself and others to experience a much more effective dental treatment and heal more rapidly. His surgery runs exceptionally smoothly.

What this 13th Octave LaHoChi3 demonstrates is that separation is an illusion. Energy can be set to begin running in the morning, assist all day and continue long into the sleep state.  It can be reactivated by simply placing the recipient or sender’s hands on the hips. The energy of the 13th Octave LaHoChi™ healing modality is a mirror of the unlimited potential being offered to humanity, not only to healers but also to everyone on the planet.